Wednesday, October 19, 2011

photography show poster

This poster (size 11" x 17") was created to advertise my photography show, which will be in Room S221 (KTC Library) in the Kansas Technology Center from Sunday, November 6 until Sunday, November 13. Photos used in the show and photos of the show will be posted later. The six photos above are a sample of the photos that will be in the show.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

wedding programs

I recently designed a wedding program for a good friend from high school. You can see the finished product below. The program folds down the middle, making it 4" by 10".

These programs are pretty simple (yet elegant!) because a lot of information needed to be included.

Screen Shot 2011-10-15 at 10.10.21 PM
Screen Shot 2011-10-15 at 10.10.14 PM

Friday, October 14, 2011

portrait photography - couples

In my Portrait Photography class, I've been working on our "Couples & Groups" assignment. Below, you can see some of my work with a couple.




Monday, October 10, 2011

center bethel church

I made this business card (and the new logo) a couple weeks ago for my church.

Screen Shot 2011-10-10 at 2.02.55 PM

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

children's church banners

The following two banners were created for my church for check-in stations for Children's Church and Preschool.

The banners are four feet by two feet.



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

photo correction

Yesterday I did some photo correcting for a frame store I used to work at. This photo will serve as an example of a certain kind of framing the company does.

FMF Panama Whales
Provided photo
FMF Panama Whales.fix
Completed correction